1、What year was the D36A tube mic introduced? (D36A是哪一年推出的?)
答:D36A是在我们对于我们的最初设计做了一系列修改之后,于2010年初推出的。(The D36A was introduced in early 2010, after several modifications on the original design.)
2、Does the D36A use a 12AX7 tube like the L36A? (D36A和L36A一样用的都是12AX7这一型号的电子管吗?)
答:D36A用的是12AX7这一型号的电子管。(The tube used in D36A is 12AX7.)
3、The English web pages describe this microphone as a "dual tube," but this would mean there are 2 tubes inside. (英文网页的介绍说这一款麦克风是“双电子管”,但那不是意味着电路上用了两个电子管吗?)
答:在我们的最初设计中,选用的是两个6J1型电子管来做放大电路。后来为了让话筒看起来更纤巧一些,我们做了一个大胆的尝试。您知道,一个12AX7里面有两个三极管,通常只有其中的一个被用于放大电路,而我们把这两个三极管都用于放大,做了一个电子管差分平衡放大。因此我们把D36A的放大电路称为双电子管放大电路。(The original design of D36A had two 6J1 tubes for amplification, but in order to make the microphone look slimmer, we did a very audacious change. As you know, a 12AX7 has two triodes in the vacuum tube, usually only one of the triodes is used in an amplifying circuit, but we use both of the triodes in our amplifying circuit, something called tube differential balanced enlargement), this is the reason we say that D36A has a dual tube amplifying circuit, even though now you can find only one tube inside.)
4、Does the D36A use the tube both for amplification and for impedance conversion/balancing? (D36A的电子管是同时用于放大和阻抗转换/平衡吗?)
答:D36A里的电子管只用于放大,我们用了一组高耐压晶体管做阻抗平衡。(The D36A uses the tube for amplification only, and it uses a set of high power transistors for impedance conversion/balancing.)
5、Is the D36A capsule the same as the D36B Pro capsule (4-micron aluminum)?( D36A的音头和D36B是一样的吗(4微米的铝膜)?
答:D36A的音头和D36B是一样的,都是采用爱声乐尔公司具有自主知识产权的独有的4微米的铝膜CRZ24音头。(The capsule in D36A is the same as in D36B PRO, 4-micron aluminum, which Aseyer owns the intellectual property right independently.)
6、Can these capsules be "tuned" to produce a different frequency response, by adjusting the spacing or porting of the backplate?( 可以通过调节背极板让这种音头有不一样的频率响应曲线吗?)
答:音头可以通过调节达到不同的频率响应。(The capsules can be “tuned” to produce a different frequency response.)
7、The Cardioid pattern of the D36A and D36B is more narrow than is usual for a Cardioid microphone. What causes the pattern to be narrow? (D36A和D36B的心形指向比一般的麦克风的心形指向窄。请问这是什么原因造成的?)
答:D36A和D36B的心形指向较窄是音头的缘故,这正是爱声乐尔CRZ24音头特有的技术。(The cause of the narrowness of the Cardioid pattern of D36A and D36B is the capsule, and this is one of the special features of Aseyer CRZ24 capsules.)
8、The published frequency-response graphs for the D36A and D36B Pro are identical. The size and shape of the grilles make it unlikely that these two graphs are accurate. That is, if you put the D36A grille onto the D36B Pro body, the D36B Pro would sound different. Do you have newer or more-accurate frequency-response graphs for these two microphones? (你们公布的D36A和D36B的频率响应曲线是完全一样的,从这两款麦克风的网罩的尺寸和形状来看,这两张图应该是不能准确代表这两款话筒的频率响应的。我的意思是说,如果把D36A的网罩换到D36B上面,会使得D36B的声音变得不同。请问你们有没有更新的,更能准确代表这两款话筒频率响应的曲线?)
答:我们公布的D36A和D36B的频率响应曲线看上去完全一样,是因为这两款话筒用的是完全一样的音头(4微米的铝膜CRZ24音头)。但由于电路和壳体的不同,这两款话筒的声音展现是完全不一样的,也就说它们的主观听感是完全不一样的,可以更好地适应不同的需求人群。(The published frequency-response graphs of D36A and D36B look identical because those two models use the same capsules (CRZ 24 made of 4-micron aluminum). But because of the different circuits and the different housings, the sounds you get from the two models are totally different. That is to say that the subjective "sound" of the two models are different, so they will meet the needs of different applications better. )
9、What is the microphone”s self-noise (dBA) rating? (请问话筒的本底噪音是多少?(dBA))
答:D36A的本底噪音是16dB.。D36B的本底噪音是20dB.( The A-weighted self-noise of D36A is: 16dB.The A-weighted self-noise of D36B is 20dB.)
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但那L36B的狗屎规格书上却说等效噪声级 : 11 dB-A
但那L36B的狗屎规格书上却说等效噪声级 : 11 dB-A
D36A绝对一支好麦,搜索了一下,国外有个著名的网站,recordinghacks.com/microphones/Aseyer/D36A -
顺便提醒,中央台最近常说 神马都是浮云,你赶紧去纠正一下,应该是什么都是浮云。哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
What year was the D36A tube mic introduced D36A是哪一年推出的
1、What year was the D36A tube mic introduced
我想问问大眼睛的工作人员,你们做假能不能做像点,还弄个外国友人提问,哪个国家的二逼英文这么牛啊 ??而且还被你们翻译的这么牛,我类个去!!!